Why Portugal?

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Why Invest in Portugal?

The Portuguese real estate market is notable for its strong growth in the recent years and increased demand from large multinationals, residents, entrepreneurs, students, among others, making it one of the most sustainable and desirable markets in Europe.

The “Emerging Trends in Real Estate” study realized by PwC and Urban Land Institute validates this growth, naming Lisbon the top-choice European destination for real estate investment in 2019.

Vasco da Gama bridge, Lisbon

What makes this market so appealing for investment?

  • Stable and secure socio-political environment
  • Excellent physical and technological infrastructures
  • Great touristic affluence - opportunity for rental
  • Quality of the architecture's work/construction
  • Easiness and quality to do business
  • Enabling regulatory environment
  • Sustainable growth of the Portuguese Real Estate market
  • Above average life quality
  • Strategic accessible location
  • Climate, one of the most enjoyable weather
  • Culture, history and gastronomy
  • Access to European and Portuguese speaking markets
  • Innovation, technology and entrepreneurship
  • Portugal is growing on demand from the internally highest society
  • Security
Thus, we're talking about an emergent real estate market, with great diversity and scale.

Real Estate Investment 360º

of Business Opportunities

Architecture Projects
and specialties

and Legalization


Interior Design

Real Estate
Asset Management

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